SOFIE MART is a Swiss-based creative technologist, researcher and producer. Initially trained as a data scientist, and having worked for a few years in the industry, in 2020 she transitioned to the creative domain. After getting the second degree in information sciences applied to digital cultures from Pratt Institute, New York, she collaborated with archives and museums on cultural data analysis, created immersive experiences with large image collections and built digital tools for artists. In 2021-2023 she worked at Matr Labs (former Artmatr), a New York based art fabrication studio, known for its unique robotic painting technology and projects with the luminary visual artists and blue-chip galleries. In 2024, Sofie opened an art production studio in Zurich, where she runs her own practice and organizes residencies for artists and engineers who are into art-making machines.



Generative Brushstrokes

Generative Brushstrokes is a library of creative tools and a technical framework that allows the transformation of any digital image into a physical painting utilizing various AI methods. Generative Brushstrokes is supported by an ongoing collaborative research between the luminary artists, robotic engineers and creative technologists.

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Neural Walks

Neural Walks is a hyper-immersive virtual reality experience that invites visitors to transgress into a ‘body’ of a neural network parsing through large image collections. The Neural Walks was initially trained on a subset of Google Arts and Culture collection as a case study for their Experiments editorial series. 

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Swiss Mountain Series

Swiss Mountain Series is a collection of digital artworks featuring the unique bodies of Nature located in Switzerland. Brought up using the mix of buzzing technologies like generative AI and Blockchain, the project investigates new formats of communicating open scientific data. 

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Into The Grasps

Into The Grasps is a journey into the world of extensive landscapes and meanings of art collections, an exploration of the artists’ body of work connecting it with extended knowledge. Commissioned by the Dorit Feldman Estate, the project encompasses the work on a multi-dimensional archive of 1000+ artifacts and an immersive experience through custom artifact pre-sets.

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In April 2023, Artmatr, an art fabrication and creative production studio, hosted the show featuring digital art series made physical with the robotic painting machines. In addition to IRL event, the show was streamed in VR version of Artmatr studio - MATRverse.

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UNCORPORATED STUDIOFounder,  Program Curatorlink  
DATA VISUALIZATION ZURICHAdvisory Board Memberlink  
PAST ROLES: Matr Labs, Head of product (2021-2024); Extended Reality Studios (part of Accenture), Data Experience Lead (2022-2023); Cybernetics Library, Research Fellow (2023); Data Through Design, Artist communications (2021-2024); SAVI (Spatial Analytics Visualization Initiative, part of Pratt Institute), Research Fellow (2021); Accenture, various roles (2013-2020)


Information Experience Design, MScPratt Institute, New York
UX Strategy for Emerging Technology, CASNYU Tandon School of Engineering, New York


2024“Art or Asset? Generative Art in context of dynamic canvas of the web” / Aesthetically Appliedlink  
2024“Mona Lisa Goes Live. The PoC of the future living on the Blockchain” / Aesthetically Appliedlink  
2023“Toward extended metadata standard for digital art” / The Journal of Documentationlink  
2023“Pretty Gen AI, Please! A critical essay on text-to-image generators” / The Edgelink  
2022“Laboratory for Integrative Archaeological Visualization and Heritage” / Research Open Houselink  


2023“Visualizing Utopia. In conversation with Pip Mothersill on art in VR” / Artmatr Studiolink  
2022“Project Contrast. A data-driven experience at The High Line, NY” / Outlier Conflink  

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